
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. EPSL
    A general machine learning model of aluminosilicate melt viscosity and its application to the surface properties of dry lava planets
    Charles Le Losq, Clément Ferraina, Paolo A Sossi, and 1 more author
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2025
  2. CG
    Redox conditions in a carbonatite-alkaline complex: Deciphering Fe-and S-XANES in melt inclusions with silicate-carbonate immiscibility
    Céline Baudouin, Hugo Moreira, Charles Le Losq, and 2 more authors
    Chemical Geology, 2025


  1. JNCS
    Effect of the Na/Mg mixing on the structure and properties of aluminosilicate melts
    Salomé Pannefieu, Charles Le Losq, Pierre Florian, and 1 more author
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024
  2. GCA
    The oxidation state of titanium in silicate melts
    A. J. Berry, P. M. Doyle, P. F. Schofield, and 4 more authors
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2024


  1. JNCS
    Machine learning modeling of the atomic structure and physical properties of alkali and alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses and melts
    Charles Le Losq, and Barbara Baldoni
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2023
  2. arXiv
    Machine learning modeling of the atomic structure and physical properties of alkali and alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses and melts
    Charles Le Losq, and Barbara Baldoni
    Apr 2023
    arXiv:2304.12123 [cond-mat]
  3. ChemGeol
    Viscosity of crystal-free silicate melts from the active submarine volcanic chain of Mayotte
    Pauline Verdurme, Charles Le Losq, Oryaëlle Chevrel, and 7 more authors
    Chemical Geology, Mar 2023
  4. Frontiers
    Atomic structure and physical properties of peridotite glasses at 1 bar
    Charles Le Losq, and Paolo A. Sossi
    Frontiers in Earth Science, Mar 2023


  1. Frontiers
    Spinel Harzburgite-Derived Silicate Melts Forming Sulfide-Bearing Orthopyroxenite in the Lithosphere. Part 1: Partition Coefficients and Volatile Evolution Accompanying Fluid- and Redox-Induced Sulfide Formation
    A. Bénard, C. Le Losq, O. Müntener, and 4 more authors
    Frontiers in Earth Science, Mar 2022
  2. Frontiers
    Redox controls on H and N speciation and intermolecular isotopic fractionations in aqueous fluids at high pressure and high temperature: Insights from in-situ experiments
    Celia Dalou, Charles Le Losq, Evelyn Füri, and 1 more author
    Frontiers in Earth Science, Mar 2022
  3. CRG
    Water solution mechanism in calcium aluminosilicate glasses and melts: insights from in and ex situ Raman and 29 NMR spectroscopy
    C. Le Losq, Bjorn O. Mysen, and George D. Cody
    Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, Mar 2022
  4. M&T
    Méthodes d’analyse des verres
    Charles Le Losq, Mariona Tarrago, Wilfried Blanc, and 6 more authors
    Matériaux & Techniques, Mar 2022
  5. Nat. Com.
    Fractional crystallisation of eclogite during the birth of a Hawaiian Volcano
    Laura A. Miller, Hugh St C. O’Neill, Andrew J. Berry, and 1 more author
    Nature Communications, May 2022
  6. RiMG
    Link between Medium and Long-range Order and Macroscopic Properties of Silicate Glasses and Melts
    D. R. Neuville, and C. Le Losq
    May 2022
  7. RiMG
    Redox-induced crystallisation in Ti-bearing glass-forming melts: A Ti K-edge XANES study
    Mariona Tarrago, Charles Le Losq, Thibaut Robine, and 3 more authors
    Materials Letters, Jul 2022


  1. CG
    Raman spectroscopy to determine CO2 solubility in mafic silicate melts at high pressure: Haplobasaltic, haploandesitic and approach of basaltic compositions
    Julien Amalberti, Philippe Sarda, Charles Le Losq, and 6 more authors
    Chemical Geology, Nov 2021
  2. MA
    Iron cation vacancies in Pt(IV)-doped hematite
    Michael Anenburg, Jeremy L. Wykes, Ulrike Troitzsch, and 2 more authors
    Materials Advances, Aug 2021
  3. AGU
    The Redox Behavior of Rare Earth Elements
    Maria Rita Cicconi, Charles Le Losq, Grant S. Henderson, and 1 more author
    Aug 2021
  4. EPSL
    Quantifying dynamic pressure and temperature conditions on fault asperities during earthquake slip
    Kathryn S. Hayward, Charles Le Losq, and Stephen F. Cox
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Feb 2021
  5. EJM
    A combined Fourier transform infrared and Cr K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy study of the substitution and diffusion of H in Cr-doped forsterite
    Michael C. Jollands, Hugh St C. O’Neill, Andrew J. Berry, and 3 more authors
    European Journal of Mineralogy, Feb 2021
  6. AGU
    Iron in Silicate Glasses and Melts
    C. Le Losq, M. R. Cicconi, and D. R. Neuville
    Feb 2021
  7. GCA
    Structure and properties of alkali aluminosilicate glasses and melts: Insights from deep learning
    C. Le Losq, Andrew P. Valentine, Bjorn O. Mysen, and 1 more author
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Dec 2021
  8. AGU
    How to Measure the Oxidation State of Multivalent Elements in Minerals, Glasses, and Melts?
    Daniel R. Neuville, Maria Rita Cicconi, and Charles Le Losq
    Dec 2021
  9. JP
    Compositions and Classification of Fractionated Boninite Series Melts from the Izu–Bonin–Mariana Arc: A Machine Learning Approach
    Matthew J Valetich, Charles Le Losq, Richard J Arculus, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Petrology, Apr 2021


  1. CMP
    In situ XANES study of the influence of varying temperature and oxygen fugacity on iron oxidation state and coordination in a phonolitic melt
    Charles Le Losq, Roberto Moretti, Clive Oppenheimer, and 2 more authors
    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Jul 2020
  2. GCA
    Effect of Ti4+ on the structure of nepheline (NaAlSiO4) glass
    Emily T. Nienhuis, José Marcial, Thibaut Robine, and 5 more authors
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Dec 2020
  3. Elements
    Magmas are the Largest Repositories and Carriers of Earth’s Redox Processes
    Maria Rita Cicconi, Charles Le Losq, Roberto Moretti, and 1 more author
    Elements, Jun 2020
  4. GCA
    Revisiting water speciation in hydrous alumino-silicate glasses: A discrepancy between solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the determination of X-OH and H2O
    George D. Cody, Michael Ackerson, Carolyn Beaumont, and 3 more authors
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Sep 2020


  1. SNAS
    Perrhenate sodalite growth from alkali silicate melts by noble metal catalysis
    Michael Anenburg, and Charles Le Losq
    SN Applied Sciences, Mar 2019
  2. GCA
    Raman spectroscopy study of C-O-H-N speciation in reduced basaltic glasses: Implications for reduced planetary mantles
    Celia Dalou, Marc M. Hirschmann, Steven D. Jacobsen, and 1 more author
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Nov 2019
  3. AM
    Determination of the oxidation state of iron in Mid-Ocean Ridge basalt glasses by Raman spectroscopy
    C. Le Losq, A. J. Berry, M. A. Kendrick, and 2 more authors
    American Mineralogist, Nov 2019
  4. Springer Handbooks
    Silicate Glasses
    C. Le Losq, M. R. Cicconi, G. N. Greaves, and 1 more author
    May 2019
  5. CMP
    Point defect populations of forsterite revealed by two-stage metastable hydroxylation experiments
    Charles Le Losq, Michael C. Jollands, Peter M. E. Tollan, and 2 more authors
    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, May 2019
  6. Science
    Primordial and recycled helium isotope signatures in the mantle transition zone
    S. Timmerman, M. Honda, A. D. Burnham, and 10 more authors
    Science, Aug 2019
  7. JPC
    Observation of the Chemical Structure of Water up to the Critical Point by Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Fluid Inclusions
    Li Zhou, Terrence Patrick Mernagh, and Charles Le Losq
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Jul 2019
  8. CRG
    Synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline KAlSi3O8 hollandite [liebermannite]: Sound velocities vs. pressure to 13GPa at room temperature
    Ting Chen, Gabriel D. Gwanmesia, Lars Ehm, and 5 more authors
    Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Feb 2019
  9. JGR
    Rheological Controls on Asperity Weakening During Earthquake Slip
    Kathryn S. Hayward, Rhys Hawkins, Stephen F. Cox, and 1 more author
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Feb 2019


  1. CMP
    Low-Ca boninite formation by second-stage melting of spinel harzburgite residues at mature subduction zones: new evidence from veined mantle xenoliths from the West Bismarck Arc
    Antoine Bénard, Charles Le Losq, Oliver Nebel, and 1 more author
    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Nov 2018
  2. Zenodo
    Rampy: a Python library for processing spectroscopic (IR, Raman, XAS...) data.
    C. Le Losq
    Feb 2018
  3. Pangea
    Raman spectra of hydrous Mid-Ocean Ridge, Back-Arc Basalt and Ca alumino-silicate glasses
    C. Le Losq
    Mar 2018
  4. Zenodo
    Raman spectra dataset of hydrous glasses of Le Losq et al., 2012, Am. Min 97:779-790
    C. Le Losq, D. R. Neuville, R. Moretti, and 1 more author
    Zenodo, Feb 2018
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1183413


  1. JNCS
    Molecular structure, configurational entropy and viscosity of silicate melts: Link through the Adam and Gibbs theory of viscous flow
    C. Le Losq, and D. R. Neuville
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, May 2017
  2. SR
    Percolation channels: a universal idea to describe the atomic structure and dynamics of glasses and melts
    C. Le Losq, D. R. Neuville, W. Chen, and 4 more authors
    Scientific Reports, Dec 2017
  3. JGR
    In situ study at high pressure and temperature of the environment of water in hydrous Na and Ca aluminosilicate melts and coexisting aqueous fluids
    Charles Le Losq, Célia Dalou, and Bjorn O. Mysen
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Jul 2017


  1. GPL
    Intramolecular fractionation of hydrogen isotopes in silicate quenched melts
    C. Le Losq, B.O. Mysen, and G.D. Cody
    Geochemical Perspectives Letters, Jul 2016
  2. JNCS
    Elastic moduli of XAlSiO4 aluminosilicate glasses: effects of charge-balancing cations
    Coralie Weigel, Charles Le Losq, Rémy Vialla, and 4 more authors
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Sep 2016
  3. JMS
    The dependence of Raman defect bands in silica glasses on densification revisited
    Manon Heili, Bertrand Poumellec, Ekaterina Burov, and 4 more authors
    Journal of Materials Science, Feb 2016
  4. JMS
    Erratum to: The dependence of Raman defect bands in silica glasses on densification revisited
    Manon Heili, Bertrand Poumellec, Ekaterina Burov, and 4 more authors
    Journal of Materials Science, Feb 2016
  5. Zenodo
    Spectra.jl: a Julia package for processing spectroscopic data
    Charles Le Losq
    Jun 2016
  6. GCA
    Experimentally determined sulfur isotope fractionation between metal and silicate and implications for planetary differentiation
    J. Labidi, A. Shahar, C. Le Losq, and 3 more authors
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Feb 2016


  1. EPSL
    In situ study of the fractionation of hydrogen isotopes between aluminosilicate melts and coexisting aqueous fluids at high pressure and high temperature – Implications for the δD in magmatic processes
    C. Dalou, C. Le Losq, and Bjorn O. Mysen
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Sep 2015
  2. AM
    Solubility and solution mechanisms of chlorine and fluorine in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature
    C. Dalou, C. Le Losq, Bjorn O. Mysen, and 1 more author
    American Mineralogist, Oct 2015
  3. AM
    Alkali influence on the water speciation and the environment of protons in silicate glasses revealed by 1H MAS NMR spectroscopy
    C. Le Losq, G. D. Cody, and B. O. Mysen
    American Mineralogist, Feb 2015
  4. AM
    Complex IR spectra of OH- groups in silicate glasses: Implications for the use of the 4500 cm-1 IR peak as a marker of OH- groups concentration
    C. Le Losq, G. D. Cody, and B. O. Mysen
    American Mineralogist, Apr 2015
  5. PEPS
    Water and magmas: insights about the water solution mechanisms in alkali silicate melts from infrared, Raman, and 29Si solid-state NMR spectroscopies
    C. Le Losq, B. O. Mysen, and G. D. Cody
    Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, Dec 2015
  6. EPSL
    Rheology of phonolitic magmas – the case of the Erebus lava lake
    C. Le Losq, D. R. Neuville, R. Moretti, and 2 more authors
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Feb 2015


  1. GCA
    The role of Al3+ on rheology and structural changes of sodium silicate and aluminosilicate glasses and melts.
    C. Le Losq, D. R. Neuville, P. Florian, and 2 more authors
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Feb 2014
  2. CG
    The amphoteric behavior of water in silicate melts from the point of view of their ionic-polymeric constitution
    Roberto Moretti, Charles Le Losq, and Daniel R. Neuville
    Chemical Geology, Feb 2014


  1. EJM
    Speciation and amphoteric behavior of water in aluminosilicate melts and glasses: High-Temperature Raman spectroscopy and reaction equilibria
    C. Le Losq, R. Moretti, and D. R. Neuville
    European Journal of Mineralogy, Feb 2013
  2. CG
    Effect of the Na/K mixing on the structure and the rheology of tectosilicate silica-rich melts
    C. Le Losq, and D. R. Neuville
    Chemical Geology, Feb 2013


  1. Thesis
    Rôle des éléments alcalins et de l’eau sur les propriétés et la structure des aluminosilicates fondus et vitreux : implications volcanologiques
    C. Le Losq
    University Paris VII - Denis Diderot , Feb 2012
  2. AM
    Determination of water content in silicate glasses using Raman spectrometry: Implications for the study of explosive volcanism
    C. Le Losq, D. R. Neuville, R. Moretti, and 1 more author
    American Mineralogist, May 2012


  1. M&T
    La spectrométrie Raman, un outil de choix pour étudier les volatils dissous dans un verre ou un silicate fondu : le cas de l’eau
    C. Le Losq, and D. R. Neuville
    Matériaux et Techniques, May 2010
  2. M&T
    Structure et propriété des verres et des liquides : le rôle de l’aluminium
    D. R. Neuville, P. Florian, C. Le Losq, and 1 more author
    Matériaux et Techniques, May 2010