Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Spectra calls the rampy.mlregressor and rampy.mlexplorer functions to provide easy-to-use access to some machine learning algorithms from the SciKit Learn python library.

More advanced ML treatments can be done within the Julia ecosystem (e.g. using Flux, MXNet, Tensorflow etc.), but this is outsite Spectra.

Spectra.mlregressor โ€” Function.

Uses machine learning algorithms from scikit learn to perform regression between spectra and an observed variable. This calls the rampy.mlregressor function and creates a Python object. Any algorithm parameter can be modified in the model object.


julia> using Spectra
julia> model = mlregressor(X,y)
julia> model.algorithm = "SVM"
julia> model.user_kernel = "poly"
julia> y_new = model.predict(X_new)

Docstring from rampy.mlexporer


x : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
	Spectra; n_features = n_frequencies.
y : array, shape = (n_samples,)
	Returns predicted values.
X_test : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
	spectra organised in rows (1 row = one spectrum) that you want to use as a testing dataset. THose spectra should not be present in the x (training) dataset. The spectra should share a common X axis.
y_test : array, shape = (n_samples,)
	the target that you want to use as a testing dataset. Those targets should not be present in the y (training) dataset.
algorithm : String,
	"KernelRidge", "SVM", "LinearRegression", "Lasso", "ElasticNet", "NeuralNet", "BaggingNeuralNet", default = "SVM"
scaling : Bool
	True or False. If True, data will be scaled during fitting and prediction with the requested scaler (see below),
scaler : String
	the type of scaling performed. Choose between MinMaxScaler or StandardScaler, see []( for details. Default = "MinMaxScaler".
test_size : float
	the fraction of the dataset to use as a testing dataset; only used if X_test and y_test are not provided.
rand_state : Float64
	the random seed that is used for reproductibility of the results. Default = 42.
param_kr : Dictionary
	contain the values of the hyperparameters that should be provided to KernelRidge and GridSearch for the Kernel Ridge regression algorithm.
param_svm : Dictionary
	containg the values of the hyperparameters that should be provided to SVM and GridSearch for the Support Vector regression algorithm.
param_neurons : Dictionary
	contains the parameters for the Neural Network (MLPregressor model in sklearn).
	Default= dict(hidden_layer_sizes=(3,),solver = 'lbfgs',activation='relu',early_stopping=True)
param_bagging : Dictionary
	contains the parameters for the BaggingRegressor sklearn function that uses a MLPregressor base method.
	Default= dict(n_estimators=100, max_samples=1.0, max_features=1.0, bootstrap=True,
					bootstrap_features=False, oob_score=False, warm_start=False, n_jobs=1, random_state=rand_state, verbose=0)
prediction_train : Array{Float64}
	the predicted target values for the training y dataset.
prediction_test : Array{Float64}
	the predicted target values for the testing y_test dataset.
model : Scikit learn model
	A Scikit Learn object model, see scikit learn library documentation.
X_scaler :
	A Scikit Learn scaler object for the x values.
Y_scaler :
	A Scikit Learn scaler object for the y values.


For details on hyperparameters of each algorithms, please directly consult the documentation of SciKit Learn at:

For Support Vector and Kernel Ridge regressions, mlregressor performs a cross_validation search with using 5 KFold cross validators.

If the results are poor with Support Vector and Kernel Ridge regressions, you will have to tune the paramgridkr or paramgridsvm dictionnary that records the hyperparameter space to investigate during the cross validation.

Results for machine learning algorithms can vary from run to run. A way to solve that is to fix the random_state. For neural nets, results from multiple neural nets (bagging technique) may also generalise better, such that it may be better to use the BaggingNeuralNet function.

Spectra.mlexplorer โ€” Function.

Use machine learning algorithms from scikit learn to explore spectroscopic datasets. Performs automatic scaling and train/test split before NMF or PCA fit.


julia> explo = mlexplorer(X) # X is an array of signals built by mixing two partial components
julia> explo.algorithm = "NMF" # using Non-Negative Matrix factorization
julia> explo.nb_compo = 2 # number of components to use
julia> explo.test_size = 0.3 # size of test set
julia> explo.scaler = "MinMax" # scaler
julia> # fitting!
julia> W = explo.model.transform(explo.X_train_sc) # getting the mixture array
julia> H = explo.X_scaler.inverse_transform(explo.model.components_) # components in the original space
julia> plot(X,H.T) # plot the two components

Docstring from rampy.mlexporer


x : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
	Spectra; n_features = n_frequencies.
X_test : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
	spectra organised in rows (1 row = one spectrum) that you want to use as a testing dataset. THose spectra should not be present in the x (training) dataset. The spectra should share a common X axis.
algorithm : String,
	"PCA", "NMF", default = "PCA"
scaling : Bool
	True or False. If True, data will be scaled prior to fitting (see below),
scaler : String
	the type of scaling performed. Choose between MinMaxScaler or StandardScaler, see []( for details. Default = "MinMaxScaler".
test_size : float
	the fraction of the dataset to use as a testing dataset; only used if X_test and y_test are not provided.
rand_state : Float64
	the random seed that is used for reproductibility of the results. Default = 42.
model : Scikit learn model
	A Scikit Learn object model, see scikit learn library documentation.


For details on hyperparameters of each algorithms, please directly consult the documentation of SciKit Learn at:

Results for machine learning algorithms can vary from run to run. A way to solve that is to fix the random_state.
