
Simple prediction

The notebook Simple_prediction.ipynb shows how you can perform predictions with the model.


The Peridotite.ipynb notebook showcases how for a particular composition, here peridotite, one can perform predictions at room and high pressure.

It further shows how it is possible to query points at specific P-T conditions.


The Redox.ipynb notebook shows how you can calculate the iron oxidation state given T and fO2 conditions, and make predictions as a function of it for four different geological melt compositions.

Benchmark on SciGlass (full Database)

The notebook Benchmark.ipynb provides an example of how to query SciGlass using GlassPy,a nd then benchmark gpvisc against GlassNet for instance on the phospho-alumino-silicate dataset.

Check extrapolations

The notebook Extrapolations.ipynb shows how you can check if the model start extrapolating dangerously, by actually looking at the outputs of the three different provided models.

Benchmark speed

The notebook Speed_test.ipynb allows benchmarking the speed of the GP and Greybox ANN models on your CPU and GPU.

Comparison to Giordano et al. 2008

The notebook Giordano2008_comparison.ipynb shows a comparison between predictions made by the model from Giordano et al. (2008) and gpvisc, on the gpvisc database.